Business concept

We like to own and build privately held companies with unique and scalable business models, high growth opportunities and entrepreneurial management teams. We invest in the financial services and insurance sectors due to their attractiveness in terms of high barriers of entry, scalability opportunities and disruption potential.

Business concept Our focus is to exploit growth opportunities within those sectors by owning and growing companies with unique distribution setups and through a combination of physical (relationship based) and highly digital delivery models.
Investment strategy Our business concept is to create long-term shareholder value by finding cross over opportunities and synergies between the different companies that we own, combining their vertically integrated and fast growing businesses into a multi-dimensional and supportive ”eco system”.
Adding value The members of the board of directors are appointed by the shareholders at Doing this successfully, we strongly believe that 1 + 1 can be 3. Together, our portfolio companies create customer value, corporate value and shareholder value. We are Primrose Partners!
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